Life shows no mercy for the weak. Cognizance about everythin has become mandatory to survive. Get a piece of everythin that life has in the offering ! i share all that i know to help others know what i know. we stay together , we survive. welcome to candor corner. know. share. survive. always with candor, Praveen Chandar

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The first Rhyme i ever wrote !!

Hey people, try puttin this rhyme of mine to tune . This was the first ever rhyme I wrote , well, that was way back in my third grade. :) . Well, the name Johnny was inspired from the other all time popular rhyme "Johnny Johnny Yes Papa ".

Johnny's Rubber Ball :

Johnny had a rubber ball.
He bounced it everywhere.
He bounced it in an aeroplane
As he flew high in the air.
He bounced it on the sidewalk,
bounced it on a boat,
but when he bounced it in the river
his ball would only float... Away,
Goodbye Rubber Ball.

Praveen Chandar.
